
in the light of the sun

moments of me and my life by the sea




I have a lot to do on my To Do list today. Mainly because I am made of equal parts procrastination, lazy and sloth. It’s hard to be me I tell you. Basically, I haven’t made my bed and now I have to lie in it…actually that sounds rather managable. It’s waaaay worse than snoozing in an unmade bed.

But while I go do all that needs to be done I’ll be listening to Go, the debut solo album from jónsi of sigur rós.
Tom and I want to marry jónsi and have millions of his musically talented babies. No, make that squillions.

They’ll be cute and blonde like this lil Icelandic princess and have extraordinarily long fingers for playing the guitar like a violin and sing like Scandinavian elves, fairies and sprites.

I always get a little emotional at sigur rós concerts and hot happy tears stream down my cheeks and my heart feels like it’s going to burst right out of my chest. We like to play their albums in the car, really freakin loud, and sing along loudly, even though we don’t understand the words. (They’re mostly in icelandic, or some language Jonsi made up.) We’d get married if they’d accompany us musically as we walked down the aisle, but unfortunately we can’t afford to hire them, so we’ve called the whole wedding off. I’d also like them to accompany me musically to the otherside, but I don’t think having sigur ros play at your funeral is covered in any of those funeral insurance plans advertised on daytime tv….

You can listen to the new album Go before it hits the stores in a few days time over at NPR.

Here are a few of my favourite tracks from the new album too…

UPDATE! I have made the bed. It’s a start, right?!

Bob Dylan at the National Portrait Gallery

I was at the National Portrait Gallery in London in September and happened to stumble across a little exhibition of Bob Dylan portraits, taken by Barry Feinstein during Dylan’s 1966 European tour. It’s on until 29th November 2009 so if you’re in the area you should pop in and check it out.

 Disclosure: I have no idea how these images happened to be on my camera when I left the gallery!

 I thought I’d share them with you, especially since I found this lovely youtube clip from the same year to accompany them, he looks so young and happy. Even though it was his transition year from folk to electric and everyone hated him and all…

In celebration of all things 1966 and Bob Dylan, I’m gonna dust off Blonde on Blonde this weekend and see if my record player still works. I shall also write to two special people who I just don’t see enough of these days, and reminisce about the days when we used to listen to Dylan on our walkman, sharing an ear each and singing along. Good times.

Peace, love and rock n roll my friends!

An ode to The Decemberists

Even though it’s only October and their concert isn’t until January, I thought I’d share some of my favourite Decemberists posters and clips to celebrate their first tour to Australia. YAY!

Do you know The Decemberists? They’re awesome. Think pirates, sea shanties, barn dances, sing-a-longs. We like to listen to The Decemberists in the car and sing along loudly at the top of our voices. It’s the best place for a sing-a-long, the car, don’t you think?!

Are you coming to their shows in Sydney and Melbourne? We’ve got our tickets!

makin’ wishes

That’s my brother’s girlfriend. She’s pretty awesome. I sure do wish she didn’t (or I didn’t) live on the other side of the world.

I’m not sure what’s she wishing for, whilst blowing on that dandelion, but I know what I am!

What are you wishing for today internets?

And this – this song reminds me of my brother. I think he (and you!) might like it.

I am game.

This has cheered me up considerably! My brother introduced me to Lisa Hannigan years ago when she sung for Damien Rice. My brother has impecable taste and Lisa Hannigan is no exception.

I love this song. It’s my favourite on her album, See Saw. (Which by the way, has the MOST AMAZING knitted, embroidered album cover ever)

I had never seen the music video until today though.
I Don’t Know from ATO Records on Vimeo.

Now I love her even more. She’s like my Irish Amelie. I think I might watch it a few more times. I’ll have a cup of tea and all my troubles will sort themselves out.

off to a good start

Walking to work this morning, I spotted these amazing sunflowers growing outside someone’s terrace. So cheerful! I wonder if all the chumps stuck in traffic were cheered by the happy faces of these sunflowers?

How hilarious are sunflowers though?! Did anyone else have a rafia hat with a plastic sunflower stuck to in in the early nineties? I thought I was so stylish…. I also remember having a blue ceramic vase with a bunch of plastic sunflowers in it in my room when I was a kid. Matched the whole blue and yellow theme I had at the time. Complete with those puffy roman-type blinds, what are they called? Ghastly stuff. I can’t believe my mum let me. In fact, I think I made her make them for me. Poor mum.

Anyway – Easter long weekend is off to a good start despite the fact that I am working on Saturday and that Tom is working all weekend as per usual….because there was a bunny on my desk when I got to work! YAY!
And yes, that is my Dark was the night CD. Did I mention already how good it is?!?! Sufjan Stevens, The National, Arcade Fire, The Decemberists, The New Pornographers plus loads more. So good people.

And yes, Brother dearest, that is your mp3 player. Thanks. I love it. Even more now that it has a cosy little cover knitted with bamboo yarn. It was actually a half finished booty, repurposed for the task at hand. So cosy in my hand…goes nicely with a warm cup of soup to pour down my ears!

Dark was the Night

Just got a copy of this AMAZING compilation CD – Dark was the Night. A for awesome, A for Amazing. A for Ahhhhhh!

Seriously, the proceeds go to charity and the exclusive tracks are by the best bands making tunes right now. I’m in love. LOVE.

Here are my top 3! Get thee a copy now!

you are starting to piss me off

not you, YOU. no, not you.
not these guys either. they’re pure awesome.

Just in case you were wondering, my new years resolutions are mostly doing splendidly. There were a few hiccups, of course, and I predict more. But overall – great success!

i’m too old for this shit

I went to the Big Day Out yesterday. I had a free media pass with access to my own bar and real toilets, so I thought it wouldnt be too painful.

How very wrong I was.

I must be extremely allergic to severe sun, severe nationalism, heterosexual ‘Aussie’ blokes, overpriced cans of beer, crowds, wankers, excessive police presence, popular fashion etc.

I think I had a wee panic attack of sorts. Maybe it was just heat stroke. I wasn’t even drinking. I thought I was going to throw up. Could of had something to do with the guy haemmoraging blood from his arsehole. An image I can’t get out of my head now. Or The Living End. I don’t know.

Anyway, I think that’s it for me and the BDO. Unless The Beatles reform and headline.

The highlight of the day was seeing Black Kids perform. Uber fun. Also, standing near this guy in the bar queue. Awesome.

Maybe I am just a massive hermit party pooper. Everyone else seemed to be having the time of their life. Why couldn’t I enjoy myself like they were? What’s wrong with me?

Why am I so ‘unaustralian’? I really hate nationalism. I hate seeing white people wearing flags, hats, shoes, t-shirts and tats with australia flags and southern crosses on them. urgh. It’s so aggressive and threatening. What are they so proud of? How are they better than others just because of the country they were born in?

Why are music festivals a platform for nationalism? Australia Day is in two days time. I am not looking forward to it.

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